The purpose of this repository is to help users start creating automated tests using VIVIDUS.


Install and configure Git

  1. Download and install Git client
  2. Configure your identity

Install Java

  1. The baseline is LTS JDK 17. LTS JDK 11 and the latest JDK 18 are supported as well
  2. Configure JAVA_HOME environment variable
  3. Update PATH environment variable:
    • Windows: add %JAVA_HOME%/bin
    • macOS / Linux: add $JAVA_HOME/bin

How to create own test project using starter

  1. Login to Github: (Create a new account before if you don't have any)
  2. Generate your own project based on the starter project:
    • Open generator
    • Provide repository name for your test project
    • Choose option to make your repository Public or Private (Private is recommended from start, it can be changed in future)
  3. Clone your newly generated repository:
    git clone --recursive your_generated_project_link.git
  4. Go to the local directory with your cloned repository:
    cd your_repository_name
  5. Create your tests

How to use IDE for the tests development



  1. Install Eclipse IDE 2022-03
  2. Add JBehave plugin

Import the project

  1. Go to the root directory of the test project
  2. Generates all Eclipse configuration files:
    ./gradlew eclipse
  3. Import the project to Eclipse

How to run the tests via CLI

  1. Assuming you are in the local directory with your cloned repository run your tests via Gradle:
    ./gradlew runStories

How to view the test execution results

  1. At the end of any test run, VIVIDUS will give you a link to where the corresponding test result was published. It should look like this:
    2022-04-12 13:38:15,523 [main] INFO - Allure report is successfully generated at /dir/to/where/the/results-are-published/.out/vividus-demo/reports/allure/index.html
  2. cd into the directory.
    cd /dir/to/where/the/results-are-published/.out/vividus-demo/reports/allure
  3. Start a webserver of your choice, in the example below we are using a node webserver through port 3456
    $ http-server -p 3456
  4. Launch a browser, type localhost:3456 into the URL. If you followed the instructions properly, you should see your report.


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