
Disqus API library for Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

laravel-disqus package

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

A Laravel 5 package for Disqus API.


Latest supported version for Laravel 5 is v1.* (e.g v1.2)

Latest supported version for Laravel 4 is v0.1.1.3

Branch dev-master is for development and is unstable


Run the following command and provide the latest stable version (e.g v1.2) :

composer require roumen/disqus

or add the following to your composer.json file :

"roumen/disqus": "1.*"

Then register this service provider with Laravel :


In your controllers or routes you can create new disqus api object

$disqus = new \Disqus('YOUR_SECRET_KEY');

// to turn off SSL

// example API call

Documentation on all methods, as well as general API usage can be found at http://disqus.com/api/


How to add your latest comments from disqus to your local DB

About disqus-php library

Author: DISQUS team@disqus.com

Copyright: 2007-2010 Big Head Labs

License: Apache version 2.0 (see disqusapi/LICENSE for more information)

Link: http://disqus.com/