

So_Long is the first graphical project at School 42, introducing students to the MiniLibX graphical library for developing interactive applications. In this project, we create a game where a character must collect all collectibles and find an exit to complete the game. The challenge lies in implementing the game mechanics, graphics, and user interaction using MiniLibX.


  • Controls: Use the W, A, S, and D keys (or arrow keys) to move the character in the four directions: up, down, left, and right.
  • Movement Restrictions: Characters cannot move through walls.
  • Movement Counter: Display the current number of movements in the shell after each move.
  • Map Construction: Maps consist of walls, collectibles, and free space, represented by specific characters. Maps must be rectangular and surrounded by walls.


  1. Compiling: Run make to compile the project.

  2. Running: Execute the program with a map file as a parameter:

    ./so_long map.ber

  3. Controls: Use the W, A, S, and D keys or arrow keys to navigate the character through the map.

  4. Objective: Collect all collectibles and reach the exit to win the game.

