
Route error during installation

Deca opened this issue · 3 comments

Deca commented

Bug report

I'm running Laravel 6 with backpack 3.6 and php 7.3
Following the installation instruction I added the PageManager then proceeded to install manually with method A
After adding the custom route I get this error

Attribute [crud] does not exist.


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Justin Case
The Backpack Robot

Hmm... sounds like you've managed to somehow install MenuCRUD 2.x on Backpack 3.6, which should not be possible:

  • MenuCRUD 2.x, which uses Route::crud(), requires Backpack 4.x;
  • MenuCRUD 1.x, which uses CRUD::route(), requires Backpack 3.x;

Or maybe you've downgraded from Backpack 4.0 to 3.6 or something?

  1. Make sure you try erasing all cache, especially routes php artisan cache:clear
  2. What version of Backpack & MenuCRUD do you have installed? What's the output of php artisan backpack:version?
  3. Have you published the menucrud route file? Do you have this file in your app routes/backpack/menucrud.php?


Closing this due to inactivity. Feel free to reply though.