An admin panel for menu items, using Backpack\CRUD on Laravel 6 or 7.
- 4
Update on a Menu-item - CheckValidity fails
#84 opened by Faber44 - 2
Only allow 1 submenu
#83 opened by CLCWebsiteServices - 1
Menu item in README
#81 opened by tabacitu - 1
page_or_link field is not compatible on v6
#77 opened by karandatwani92 - 9
Error on create menu item
#71 opened by lcc91 - 11
[Discussion] Menu Sections
#29 opened by AbbyJanke - 5
page_or_link not available on Backpack 5
#74 opened by imtiazmahbub - 4
- 2
Menu Selections
#68 opened by anubhav217 - 2
Error Installing using Type B
#66 opened by axcel0803 - 8
Class 'Backpack\MenuCRUD\app\Models' not found
#64 opened by shinokada - 2
Installation type (A) - download
#61 opened by programozas - 2
Composer install / update / self-update warning
#45 opened by tabacitu - 4
steal the menu generator from voyager
#58 opened by starcevpro - 12
Translation issue on 'page_or_link' type
#55 opened by kiddtang - 3
Route error during installation
#56 opened by Deca - 4
Base/helpers functions return null
#52 opened by kpapag - 7
Facade\Ignition\Exceptions\ViewException htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given (View: /home/vagrant/code/vendor/backpack/crud/src/resources/views/crud/fields/page_or_link.blade.php)
#50 opened by brynnb - 2
Trait 'App\PageTemplates' not found
#47 opened by anditsung - 14
Menu for front page tutorial
#3 opened by shinokada - 2
- 3
Error : ReflectionException in Container.php line 734: Class App\Http\Controllers\Admin\MenuItemCrudController does not exist
#12 opened by jpvdw86 - 1
How to use tabs menu in crud PanelTraits
#43 opened by wwkk123 - 2
How to use tabs menu in crud features
#42 opened by wwkk123 - 1
add json childs
#41 opened - 8
Menus per Permission
#33 opened by Swader - 2
class CRUD not found in menucrud.php line 18
#40 opened by JadJabbour - 1
Cannot order nested menus (3 deep)
#38 opened by scottgrayson - 1
Make it extention & add support for multiple menus / view echo helper / multi-lang
#36 opened by cristianuibar - 1
- 1
- 3
- 1
Translatable menu items
#34 opened by thomascharbit - 3
Can anyone help me?
#27 opened by qeifar - 2
Menu Zones
#28 opened by imcodingideas - 1
How to overwrite admin/menu-item/reorder page
#26 opened by shinokada - 1
elfinder route fix
#24 opened by AlexiaTorres - 2
url method problem if internal link is null
#13 opened by frankar - 5
- 1
Requires Backpack/PageManager to use
#18 opened by nathanh0 - 2
Page Link empty
#20 opened by sarveshacharya - 1
Unable to override the MenuItem model
#19 opened by t-prod - 5
Help to create a sidebar menu in my homepage
#6 opened by Sikyn - 0
- 1
Menu improvements
#14 opened by frankar - 1
A lot of sql query with MenuCRUD
#11 opened by evenloooo - 1
route_prefix value change leads problems
#16 opened by karandatwani92 - 2
Reordering not working for sub-levels
#15 opened by reeslo - 3
Menu reorder issue
#4 opened by AurelDragut - 2
error while adding new menu
#5 opened by zunky44