
Laravel 6 Real Estate demo-project based on Bootstrap theme

Primary LanguageHTML

Laravel 6 Real Estate / Venues Management with Adminpanel

Transformed Bootstrap theme Homespace into a mini-clone of Hirespace.com portal, fully manageable with adminpanel generated with QuickAdminPanel, to manage all the venues, locations, event types.

Also added SEO important stuff like Articles Slugs in URLs.

This is a result of 2-hours live-coding series on Youtube: see playlist

Laravel Real estate administration

Laravel Real estate front

How to use

  • Clone the repository with git clone
  • Copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there
  • Run composer install
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • Run php artisan migrate --seed (it has some seeded data for your testing)
  • That's it: launch the main URL.
  • You can login to adminpanel by going go /login URL and login with credentials admin@admin.com - password


Basically, feel free to use and re-use any way you want.

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