Laravel SaaS Boilerplate

Code boilerplate to start Laravel project with plans and user subscriptions.

Laravel SaaS Boilerplate

Features included

  • Users and Subscription Plans (based on Roles)
  • Features: Roles/permissions system to assign Features to Plans, with example of Tasks and Projects Features.
  • Multi-tenancy: every user sees their own records
  • Cashier: Subscription system based on Laravel Cashier: subscribe to the plan, change plan, cancel plan, add/change payment method
  • Dashboard: revenue report for administrator

Quick Start Video Guides

  1. Features: Quick Overview (2:34)
  2. Installation Process (1:40)
  3. Roles/Permissions and Plans/Features System (4:03)


  • Clone the repository with git clone
  • Copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there
  • Run composer install
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • Run php artisan migrate --seed (it has some seeded data for your testing)
  • That's it: launch the main URL and login with default credentials - password
  • You can click Register or go to /register URL and create a new user which would have Free Plan role by default

Plans included by default

In the seeds, we have these plans/features:

  • Free Plan: default for new registered users, can manage projects but only up to 5 projects. Cannot see/manage tasks.
  • Bronze Plan ($9.99/month): can manage unlimited projects, Cannot see/manage tasks.
  • Silver Plan ($19.99/month): can manage unlimited projects. Can see/manage tasks but only up to 5 tasks.
  • Gold Plan ($29.99/month): can manage unlimited projects and tasks.

In progress / on the roadmap

  • Stripe webhooks: email notification for customers/admins
  • Invoices: generating/sending invoices and saving billing details
  • Yearly plans: customizing plans system to have two sub-plans for each plan
  • Team plans: invitation system with billing for the whole team
  • Discounts and coupons: generating coupons and checking them at checkout
  • Taxes and VAT: calculating taxes and using VAT API to calculate tax rate
  • ... anything you want to add? Create an issue