
Demo-project with Laravel and Vue.js to show four ways of authentication:

  • Public (so no Auth)
  • Laravel Sanctum
  • Laravel Passport
  • Laravel Passport with oAuth

Setting up Laravel API

Base setup for our Laravel API is the same across all of the branches.




  • Enter api directory in your terminal.
  • Run composer install
  • Copy .env.example file to .env and fill out your details.
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  • Configure domain to serve your application via chosen server provider (WAMP, MAMP, LAMP, Valet, homestead, VPS or something different)

That is it - your base API should be ready to go. You can confirm by visiting the configured domain and seeing a login page. This is your administrator login.

Master branch - Public API


Requires no additional steps


Important: Make sure you have nodejs and npm installed (yarn will work too but replace our commands).

To set up public API test you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Enter client-vue directory
  • Run npm install - this takes a while
  • Copy .env.example to .env.development.local
  • Fill out details: VUE_APP_API_URL should point to: YOURDOMAIN/api/v1/ (replace YOURDOMAIN with the domain you set up for the API)
  • Run npm run serve and open the given address (should look something like: http://localhost:808* where * is number from 0 to 9)
  • Visit Users list in the loaded page and you should see the data.

Demo/Sanctum branch - Laravel sanctum protected

This demo uses https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/sanctum#introduction to protect the API from unauthorised access. In this example we are using JWT tokens.


Requires no additional steps


Important: Make sure you have nodejs and npm installed (yarn will work too but replace our commands).

To set up sanctum API test you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Enter client-vue directory
  • Run npm install - this takes a while
  • Copy .env.example to .env.development.local
  • Fill out details: VUE_APP_API_URL should point to: YOURDOMAIN/api/v1/ (replace YOURDOMAIN with the domain you set up for the API)
  • Run npm run serve and open the given address (should look something like: http://localhost:808* where * is number from 0 to 9)
  • You should see Home and Login navigation buttons on the page.
  • Click on login and login using these details admin@admin.com with password password
  • Users list should appear
  • Click on users list and you should see users being listed.

Demo/Passport - Laravel passport protected

This example uses https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/passport#introduction to protect the API from unauthorised access. In this example we are using JWT tokens.


Requires no additional steps


Important: Make sure you have nodejs and npm installed (yarn will work too but replace our commands).

To set up passport API test you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Enter client-vue directory
  • Run npm install - this takes a while
  • Copy .env.example to .env.development.local
  • Fill out details: VUE_APP_API_URL should point to: YOURDOMAIN/api/v1/ (replace YOURDOMAIN with the domain you set up for the API)
  • Run npm run serve and open the given address (should look something like: http://localhost:808* where * is number from 0 to 9)
  • You should see Home and Login navigation buttons on the page.
  • Click on login and login using these details admin@admin.com with password password
  • Users list should appear
  • Click on users list and you should see users being listed.

Demo/Passport-oAuth - Laravel passport protected

This example uses https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/passport#introduction to protect the API from unauthorised access. In this example we are using oAuth protection


  • Enter api directory
  • Run php artisan passport:install


Important: Make sure you have nodejs and npm installed (yarn will work too but replace our commands).

To set up public API test you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Enter client-vue directory
  • Run npm install - this takes a while
  • Copy .env.example to .env.development.local
  • Fill out details:
  • VUE_APP_API_URL should point to: YOURDOMAIN/api/v1/ (replace YOURDOMAIN with the domain you set up for the API)
  • VUE_APP_AUTH_URL should point to: YOURDOMAIN/oauth/token (replace YOURDOMAIN with the domain you set up for the API)
  • VUE_APP_API_CLIENT_ID should be set to database id column from table: oauth_clients where password_client is equal to 1
  • VUE_APP_API_CLIENT_SECRET should be set to database secret column from table: oath_clients where password_client is equal to 1
  • Run npm run serve and open the given address (should look something like: http://localhost:808* where * is number from 0 to 9)
  • You should see Home and Login navigation buttons on the page.
  • Click on login and login using these details admin@admin.com with password password
  • Users list should appear
  • Click on users list and you should see users being listed.