
Powershell Functions for VMWare Virtual Machine Reporting

Primary LanguagePowerShell


A few functions I've put together the make reporting on VMWare VM's a bit easier to read All functions accept pipeline input


Get-VM | Get-VMReport
Name                            NumCPU MemoryGB ProvisionedSpaceGB UsedSpaceGB Guest                                                     PowerState VMHost
----                            ------ -------- ------------------ ----------- -----                                                     ---------- ------
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 2      10                      290         290 VMware vCenter Server Appliance:VMware Photon OS (64-bit) PoweredOn  host02.lab.company
Lab-DC01                        2      4                        44          44 Lab-DC01:                                                 PoweredOn  host01.lab.company
Server                          2      4                        44          40 Server:                                                   PoweredOff host01.lab.company


Get-VM | Get-VMDiskReport
Name                            DriveLetter                   Capacity Used FreeSpace StoragePolicy
----                            -----------                  -------- ---- --------- -------------
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /                                  11    6         4 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/netdump                    1    0         1 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/autodeploy                10    1         9 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/log                       10    3         6 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/dblog                     15    1        14 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/core                      24    1        23 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/imagebuilder              10    1         9 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/archive                   49   10        39 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/updatemgr                 98    5        93 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /boot                               0    0         0 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/db                        10    1         9 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned
VMware vCenter Server Appliance /storage/seat                      10    1         9 No Storage Policy or Disk is Partitioned