
Polymer 3 up-mushroom element

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Polymer 3 up-mushroom element

npm Published on webcomponents.org


Demonstração do componente funcionando

How to install and use:

1 - Install the element using Yarn:

$ yarn add up-mushroom

2 - Import the element:

<script type="module" src="node_modules/up-mushroom/up-mushroom.js"></script>

or in your javascript file

import "up-mushroom/up-mushroom.js";

3 - Start using it!



The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:

Custom property Default Description
--up-mushroom-stroke #000 Stroke color
--up-mushroom-shadow #008B00 Shadow color
--up-mushroom-light #00FF00 Light color
--up-mushroom-color #00CD00 Mushroom color

Browser Support

Using the webcomponents.js:

Chrome Opera Firefox Safari IE Edge
Latest ✔ Latest ✔ Latest ✔ Latest ✔ 11+ Latest ✔


1 - Verify if you have node and yarn installed.

2 - Install Polymer-CLI:

$ [sudo] yarn global add polymer-cli

3 - Install local dependencies:

$ yarn install

4 - Start the development server:

$ polymer serve

Go to localhost:8080/components/up-mushroom/


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MIT License © Larissa Abreu