README AI Master Thesis - Larissa Haas
Submitted Files for Master Thesis "The Portrayal of Artificial Intelligence in Science Fiction Literatur" FSS19
This USB/repository contains the following files:
- the paper (PDF)
- the data set of AIs in SF Literature (CSV)
- another data set from Google Trends, used in the Jupyter notebook (CSV)
- the Juypter notebook, containing the analysis (IPYBN)
- the Jupyter notebook, printed as PDF
To run the notebook locally, the following libraries and their dependencies are necessary (at least in the stated version number):
- numpy 1.16.2
- pandas 0.19.2
- seaborn 0.7.1
- matplotlib 2.0.0
- adjustText 0.7.3
- scikit-learn 0.18.1
- scipy 0.18.1