SOS Meio Ambiente API


Backend bootcamp {reprograma} Final project. This is the first version of a project which consists in a basic communication system, where is possible to create events and add comments to it. The differencial here is that all the events can be tracked by the position of when it was created. And this information can be used for analysis of distribution on a map.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.


  • Node.js - Download and install Node.js
  • MongoDB - Download and install MongoDB Community Server.


Getting a copy of the project

$git clone


Install dependencies on package.json

npm install

Running the app

Initialize the server with nodemon

npm run dev

Built With

API Documentation


This API is still under development, so if you find some problem in rendering the map, maybe you'll need to generate your own APIKEY. The Geolocation functionality works only through the clientside, so to show this functionality, the POST method for Events is being made in a "static" way through my index.html file.



  • This final project has a little bit of these incredible women who I have the pleasure to share these 3 months of bootcamp together. And all the people who supported me during this little journey. So,thank you all! :)