
CLI. Doesn't work. Okay, it works, but in a strange way.

Primary LanguagePython


pyrez is the first Songbee client. It features a quite nice CLI and... that's it, I think.


  1. Spawn a development repo server (cd test_server; python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9876)
  2. In separate terminal window, run pyrez repo add ""
  3. pyrez update
  4. pyrez lookup --title Alive


Songbee uses repositories to manage music tracks. This is quite similar to how software repositories, like APT, work. The repository channel is a JSON file like this one:

  "v": 1,
  "id": "net.songbee.repo.white.alpha",
  "maintainer": "Ale <ale@incrowd.ws>",
  "tracks": [{
    "id": "mindvortexalive",
    "artist": "Mind Vortex",
    "title": "Alive",
    "uri": ""

(the schema is yet to discuss)

pyrez can manage a local database of tracks and update it from a couple of servers. It can also look up a track, using the lookup command. The actual music streaming is yet to be done, but this would probably be easy.

This actually means Songbee is a federation, yay!


  • HTTP streaming
  • BitTorrent streaming
  • Move on to a GUI version..?