
College assignment for graph theory class

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Graphs project

College assignment for graph theory class


1. Install Python version 3.8.5:

# for debian based linux system
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt install python3.8

$ python3.8 -V
# last command should yield "Python 3.8.5"

2. Install pip - a package manager for Python

# for Debian based Linux system
$ apt install python3-pip

3. Install necessary python packages using pip

There are two ways to go about this.

The first is to install the required packages from the requirements.txt file. This is the faster option, but due to system differences, some problems might arise. They shouldn't, but they might.

3.a Install necessary python packages using pip

# in repository root
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The second option is to install all the required packages manually. I list all the packages in this single command.

3.b Install necessary python packages using pip

# in the repository root
$ pip3 install networkx matplotlib numpy

Project structure

├── Dijkstra’s algorithm
│   ├── algorithm
│   │   ├── dijkstra.py # my algorithm implementation
│   │   └── __init__.py
│   ├── algorithm analysis.md # analitical part of the practical aspect of the assignment 
│   ├── test_dataset.json # test graphs in incidence matrix form
│   ├── test_images
│   │   └── # tests output folder - graph drawings
│   └── test.py # main file - tests file
├── Jan_Karpiuk.json # assignment original file
├── Jan_Karpiuk_proj.docx # assignment instructions
├── LICENSE # license file
├── README.md # setup instructions, 
└── requirements.txt # required python packages

Run tests

In order to check the validity of my Dijkstra's algorithm implementation:

1. Run all tests, use the command:

$ python Dijkstra’s\ algorithm/test.py

Successful tests should yield:

Ran 2 tests in 2.576s


2. Add graphs to be tested

Tests take the test_dataset.json file as a testing dataset.

In order to test more graphs, update the test_dataset.json file with new graph data in form of an incidence matrix

3. Lastly, you can go to test_images folder and view the test results

Each file is named according to the test in with it was created with the test number added at the end.

  • test_dijkstra_path_0.png - first graph image for test validating algorithm's dijkstra path calculation

  • test_dijkstra_path_length_5.png - sixth graph image for test validating algorithm's dijkstra path length calculation

Each file contains the image of a tested graph with Dijkstra's path marked in red for a particular test case.

Read my analysis on Dijkstra's algorithm real-world applications - file algorithm analysis.md

Answers to theoretical assignment part are in the file Jan_Karpiuk_406238.pdf