Arma 3 - [MP Compatbile] Gas Mask/Helmet Overlay

This is a heavily modified version of the overlay from the script "Radiation - DEMO" made by ALIAS. The script is intended for use with multiplayer missions. With minor modification the script will work with singleplayer.

When a player respawns the player object is changed to new one, this esentially renderes scripts for overlay useless in mulitplayer. To overcome this, the script uses a Respawn Handler created in the unit_init.sqf. When a player respawns the handler invokes the gasmask.sqf with arguments pointing to the current player object.

How to use

Edit gasmask.sqf and change line 4 to the equipment you want to trigger the overlay. In the below example the equipment is set to G_Balaclava_blk protection = "G_Balaclava_blk";

Change line 28 from (goggles _unit isEqualTo protection) to (headgear _unit isEqualTo protection) if the item which you want is located in a different slot, like headgear.


  • If you wish to use the Arma 3 Contact DLC cbrn gear, keep in mind that the unit (cbrn_specialist) spawns with "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_nofilter_F" and later respawns with "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_F".
  • If you whish to change the default sounds provided with this script, you can find free samples here Audacity can be used to edit the sound according to your needs and exported to .ogg format.


  • gasmask.sqf compiled to memory and lodaded from there instead of reading from disk each time.
  • Custom overlays
  • Custom sounds for equip/uneqip & breathing.
  • Multiplayer compatible
  • Compatible with respawns

Known issues:

  • Gas mask overlay will remain after respawn until the player equips and then unequips the "Gas mask"


  • Remove the overlay effect after respawn
  • Optimize the code to have less impact on the client
  • Create a singleplayer version of this script

Lessons learned:

  • gasmask.sqf and unit_init.sqf had functions with the same name "fnc_overlay". This essentially froze the script, keep that in mind if you modify this script.

Credits for the original script to ALIAS.