
Quake 2 C# port.

Primary LanguageC#

Quake 2 C# port

A C# Quake 2 port.


Split project into multiple projects.

1. Quake2Sharp.Engine This project should contain all core engine code. Its output will be a library only. At this level, dependencies should not be allowed, to ensure runnability on all platforms. The engine itself should include game detection and loading mechanisms.

2. Quake2Sharp.Game.Quake2 This project should contain the actual Quake 2 game implementation for the engine to load. Its output will be a library only. At this level, dependencies should not be avoided, to ensure runnability on all platforms, but it depends on the game implementation if limiting dependencies are used.

3. Quake2Sharp.Server This project should produce the dedicated server lib and its starting mechanism. It will load up the engine, make sure the game is loaded and spawn a dedicated server for people to play on.

4. Quake2Sharp.Client This project should produce the client executable. Its should also implement the platform loader. Upon starting, it should check the available platforms, initialize the preferred one and provide a frontend to interact with the engine (menu, playing the game).

5. Quake2Sharp.Platform.OpenTk This project should contain all platform specific implementations.


  • Maybe implement Silk.Net
  • Maybe implement renderer code dll, so multiple platforms can use the same renderer
  • Maybe implement .png loading support
  • Maybe implement gltf model format as alternative to .MD2
  • Maybe implement loading raw trenchbroom .MAP files as alternative to .BSP
  • Maybe implement modern renderer
  • Maybe implement powerfull ui library for more complex menus and uis
  • Maybe implement doom3-style ui textures
  • Maybe implement own map editor instead of using trenchbroom
