
experiments for Course 'Advanced Operation System'.

Primary LanguageC


experiments for Course 'Advanced Operation System'.

In order to compile these modules, you should first get kernel code with version greater than 3.10:

wget http://mirrors.aliyun.com/linux-kernel/v4.x/linux-4.2.6.tar.xz   
xz -d linux-4.2.6.tar.xz
tar -xvf linux-4.2.6.tar

Next, download the code of this proj to local machine. Here are the steps to compile proc_hello:

cp ~/proc_hello/proc_hello.c ~/linux-4.2.6/fs/proc    # copy proc_hello.c to destination
mv Makefile Makefile.bak # since proc has its own Makefile, we need to backup it first
cp ~/proc_hello/Makefile ~/linux-4.2.6/fs/proc  # copy Makefile to proc
make   # compile


sudo insmod proc_hello.ko   # install this module if you have compiled it successfully


Following these steps above, you shall see a "hello" directory in /proc, and a file called "world" under "hello". Cat world and you will print "hello world" if everything goes well.
