Running for the first time



VARIABLE TYPE Default value Description
ADMIN_USERS Comma-separated strings Admin GitHub user names
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID String Client ID for the GitHub OAuth App
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET String Client secret for the GitHub OAuth App
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN String Token for the GitHub OAuth App
GITHUB_APP_ID String APP ID for the GitHub App
GITHUB_REPO_OWNER String User or Organization that the GitHub App has access to
GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY String -deprecated- Private key to use authenticating against the GitHub App
SSH_PRIVATE_FILE_PATH String Path to the Private key (must be a .pem file) to use authenticating against the GitHub App
DOCKER_PATH String Path to the Docker socket (can be remote)
JENKINS_VAULT_ROLE_ID String -automatic- Role Id that Jenkins will use to fetch secrets from Vault
JENKINS_VAULT_SECRET_ID String -automatic- Secret Id that Jenkins will use to fetch secrets from Vault
HOST String Hostname where the deployment is going to run
VAULT_ADDR String Vault address in the form: <protocol>://<hostname>:<port>
NGROK_AUTH String Token for the Ngrok service
NGROK_PORT Integer Port where Ngrok will forward traffic (must be the Jenkins port)

Adding Minikube to Portainer

minikube service portainer-agent -n portainer

Use that url in Portainer

Generating Helm chart with kompose

kompose convert -v -f docker-compose.yml -c -o jenkins-deployment-chart