
Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

This projet has for goal to provide a responsive website for life management. It is made with Django 2.0 and severals tools I will describe later...

cf. todolist

Continuous Delivery

Travis CI, Heroku and Sentry


Django 2.0 : link

  • Python Backend framework

psycopg2 2.7 : link

  • PostgreSQL connector for python

gunicorn 19.7.1 : link

  • Python http server

dj-database-url 0.4.2 : link

  • Usefull for database configuration (handle MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle)

whitenoise 3.3.1 : link

  • Allow handling static files

raven 6.2.1 : link

  • Allow hooking a Django project for report on Sentry

django-allauth 0.34.0 : link

  • Social Authentication for python project and account management

Pillow 3.1.2 : link

  • Image management for Python (PIL fork)

django-debug-toolbar 1.9 : link

  • Usefull debug toolbar