
Chum: A bucket list web app built with a flask backend and an Angular 2.0 front-end. PART ONE: The backend

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status Coverage Status


Chum is bucketlist app built with a flask API and an Angular 2 frontend. This repository contains the backend which has the following endpoints:

EndPoint Functionality
POST api/v1/auth/login Logs a user in
POST api/v1/auth/register Register a user
POST api/v1/bucketlists/ Create a new bucket list
GET api/v1/bucketlists/ List all the created bucket lists
GET api/v1/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id> Get single bucket list
PUT api/v1/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id> Update this bucket list
DELETE api/v1/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id> Delete this single bucket list
POST api/v1/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id>/items/ Create a new item in bucket list
PUT api/v1/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id>/items/<item_id> Update a bucket list item
DELETE api/v1/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id>/items/<item_id> Delete an item in a bucket listd

Setting up Chum's backend

Chum's has a number of dependencies as detailed in the requirements.txt file. To run it, you'll need to install Python 3.6 from Python's website or via Homebrew package manager(recommended) if you're on MacOS and setup a virtual environment as illustrated here. Dependencies that are built into Python have not been included.

  1. The first thing you need to do is to clone the repo by running the following command: (If you do not have git, you can download the entire project on the link at the top right download of the repo provided by github.)

     $ git clone https://github.com/LarryWachira/cp2-bucket-list.git
  2. Activate the virtual environment, navigate to the project folder and then run the following command to install all the requirements in one go: (Make sure the command is run at the root of the project folder.)

     $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. The next step is to set up a database for the backend. By default, it uses an SQlite database but set up a custom Postgres database, all you need to do is set a database URI environment variable eg:

     $ export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db_name'
  4. Run migrations:

     $ python run.py migrations
  5. For token authentication, the backend also has a default secret key in the configuration settings. To override it (recommended), run the following command to set a custom SECRET_KEY:

     $ export SECRET_KEY='your_secret'
  6. You're now ready to start calling the api endpoints. Run this command to begin:

     $ python run.py runserver
  7. Pat yourself on the back if you get the following terminal output:

     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Running tests has also been simplified, just run the following command:

    $ python run.py tests