Fishing Exam Alert

A simple project to notify users about upcoming exam for the Bavarian Fishing Exams.


  1. Create a GMX or mailersend account (mails will be send from this account)
  2. Create a spreadsheet with the following headers:
  • Zeitstempel -> Values of the form: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS
  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • An- oder Abmeldung? -> Valid values: Anmeldung / Aktualisierung, Abmeldung
  • Nur bestimmte Regierungsbezirke?(Standard: Alle)


  1. Expose the following env variables:
    • GSHEET_SPREADSHEET_ID: The ID of the Google Sheet (can be extracted from the spreadsheet’s url), e.g. 1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms
    • GMAP_API_KEY: The API Key for Google Maps to determine the distance between user and exam
    • SUBSCRIBE_URL: The URL to subscribe to the service, e.g.
    • UNSUBSCRIBE_URL: The URL to subscribe to the service, e.g.
    • MAIL_SERVICE: The name of the mail service to use, e.g. GMX or mailersend
    • NOTIFY_MAIL_FROM: The mail address for the Mail account, e.g.
    • NOTIFY_MAIL_PASSWORD: The password for the Mail account (for mailersend the API Key)
  2. Run the script with python fishing_exam_alert/

How it works

  1. In each run it gets all entries from a Google Spreadsheet and checks if the record is valid for notifications.

  2. If there are any valid records, it scraps and parses the fishing exam website.

  3. Iterate over each valid record and apply the filters. If there are any matched exams, it sends a notification to the user.


I get an smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError when trying to send the email!

Activate POP3 & IMAP in GMX. Instructions are here.