
Pandoc filter to create narrative charts

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Pandoc filter to generate narrative charts

This module provides a filter for pandoc to generate narrative charts. The look of these charts can be customized to a certain extent (e.g. colors, line widths). The story line of each character is routed automatically with respect to the other characters.


This module is compatible with pandoc 2.11 and stack lts-17.4.


Build and install

  • Get the source code. Either
    • clone this repository or
    • download and extract the ZIP
  • Go to the source code directory
  • Run either
    • cabal install or
    • stack init followed by stack install

The installation might take some time due to the size and number of dependencies.


The chart

Example Narrative Chart

has been generated from the following markdown document:

who: hero
when: beginning
where: home

who: hero
when: ending
where: fortress

who: antagonist
when: kickoff
where: fortress

who: hero
when: kickoff
where: street

who: antagonist
when: kickoff
where: street

who: hero
when: journey
where: road

who: hero
when: climax
where: valley

who: antagonist
when: climax
where: valley

axisColor: #666
nameHeight: 20
eventGrid: 100
nameLen: 100
left: 150
bottom: 130

id: home
name: Home
key: "1"

id: street
name: A Dirty Street
key: "3"

id: road
name: A Lonely Road
key: "2"

id: fortress
name: Evil Fortress
key: "6"

id: valley
name: The Valley
key: "5"

id: hero
name: Our Hero
color: blue
key: "5"

id: antagonist
name: Villain
color: red
key: "6"

id: beginning
name: Beginning
key: "1"

id: kickoff
name: Kick-off
key: "2"

id: journey
name: The Journey
key: "3"

id: climax
name: Climax
key: "4"

id: ending
name: Fin
key: "5"

Other input languagues should work as long as you can define code blocks with classes/languages.


There are five kinds of elements, some optional, to create a chart:

  • Characters (narcha-who)
  • Times (narcha-when)
  • Places (narcha-where)
  • Events (narcha-event, i.e. Who was when where?)
  • Plots (narcha-plot)

The elements are removed from the parsed document. The plot element is replaces with a raw HTML block, thus it's most likely that only HTML output will work with this filter.

Elements can be presented in any order.

The syntax of each element is as follows:

Events: narcha-event

who: <who-id>
when: <when-id>
where: <where-id>
tags: <Comma-separated list of words, surrounded by square brackets>

The three ids <who-id>, <when-id>, <where-id> are arbitrary unicode strings that identify a character, a time, and a place this event will happen in the story.

Events are unique. Mentioning the same event multiple times has no effect.

Events can be tagged to exclude them from plots. If an event has no tag, it will shown in all plots.

Characters: narcha-who

id: <who-id>
name: <name>
color: <color>
key: <key>

This element provides optional descriptions for characters. Again, this has to be unique. If multiple elements for the same <who-id> are found, the last one is used.

The id <who-id> is one of the ids mentioned in the events. Descriptions for non-existing characters, i.e. those without any events, is undefined behaviour. At the moment, nothing will be rendered.

<name> is an arbitrary utf-8 string that will be copied verbatim into the svg element. Since no escaping is used here, you can abuse it to insert arbitrary tags into the generated svg. This can be a security risk. You have been warned.

<color> is an SVG colorspec, e.g. red, #ff0012. This is the color of the story line.

<key> is an arbitrary utf-8 string that is used to sort characters. Number-only keys have to be quoted, e.g.

key: "1968"

Keep in mind that keys are sorted lexicographically, e.g. in the following order:


Times: narcha-when

id: <when-id>
name: <name>
key: <key>

These are similar fields as in narcha-who with similar meanings and limitations.

Extranous descriptions are also undefined behaviour and will be mapped to empty time (columns) in the chart.

Places: narcha-where

id: <where-id>
name: <name>
key: <key>

These are similar fields as in narcha-who with similar meanings and limitations.

Extranous descriptions are also undefined behaviour and will be mapped to empty places (rows) in the chart.

The <name> field can be a multi-line YAML string, e.g.

id: somewhere
name: |-
key: "012"

For each line, a separate line will be produced in the SVG.

In case you do not add narcha-where definitions, the <name> and <id> fields will be set to the <id> field of the event as used in an event. In this case, the keys will be generated as zero-padded three-digit numbers in order of apperance in the events. This will generate the cleanest charts.

Plots: narcha-plot

axisColor: <color>      [black]
top: <integer>          [20]
bottom: <integer>       [100]
left: <integer>         [100]
right: <integer>        [50]
arrowGap: <integer>     [10]
eventGrid: <integer>    [50]
nameHeight: <integer>   [10]
nameEdge: <integer>     [1]
nameLen: <integer>      [50]
nameGap: <integer>      [1]
show: <boolean>         [yes]
tags: <list of words>   []

This will generate a plot from the elements with the parameter above. The parameters can be given in any order. If a parameter is not present, the value in the square brackets will be used instead.

<color> again denotes a valid SVG color spec.

<integer> denotes a positive integer. Most have lower limits around 0. The meaning of these elements is:

Parameter Meaning
axisColor Color of axes and text.
top Number of pixels above the first row.
bottom Number of pixels below the arrow of time. If this is too small, the time descriptions will be cut off.
left Number of pixels left of the matrix. If this is too small, the place descriptions will be cut off.
right Number of pixels right of the tip of the arrow.
arrowGap Number of pixels between the last time mark and the arrow head.
eventGrid Number of pixels between two time marks.
nameHeight Height of name strings in pixels.
nameEdge Number of pixel, denoting the vertical gap between character name boxes.
nameLen Number of pixels, denoting the width of the character name box. The name will not be clipped.
nameGap Number of pixels between the box of the character name and the first event marker.
show Should the plot be displayed. Use this to temporarily disable a plot.
tags List of tags to show. Empty list show all events.

Possible improvements

  • Use natural sort for keys, e.g.
    would be sorted as
  • Better parsing of integer keys, i.e. no more quotes.
  • Nicer curves on the first events