
Pandoc filter to support vimwiki-special markup

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

pandoc-vimwiki: A pandoc filter to emulate vimwiki


This module provides a filter for pandoc to support certain elements from vimwiki's markup. Due to the limitations of pandoc filters not all elements that go beyond markdown are supported.

In particular, the following elements will converted:

  • ticked and unticked boxes to unicode characters
  • transclusions using double curly brackets
  • linking to external wiki pages using double square brackets, including anchors


This module is compatible with pandoc 2.19 and stack lts-18.28.


Build and install

  • Get the source code. Either
    • clone this repository or
    • download and extract the ZIP
  • Go to the source code directory
  • Run either
    • cabal install or
    • stack init followed by stack install

The installation might take some time due to the size and number of dependencies.


vimwiki markup and HTML conversion

The following wiki source code

* [ ] Not done.
* [.] Parially done
    * [ ] Subitem 1 [[sub1]]
    * [X] Subitem 2 [[sub2]]
    * [ ] Last subitem
* [o] Half done
    * [ ] Subitem 1 [[sub1]]
    * [X] Subitem 2
    * **[X] Last subitem**
* [O] Almost done
    * [ ] Subitem 1 [[sub1]]
    * [X] Subitem 2
    * [X] Subitem 3
    * [X] Last subitem


is converted to

  • ☐ Not done.
  • ▄⃞▄ Parially done
    • ☐ Subitem 1 sub1
    • ☑ Subitem 2 sub2
    • ☐ Last subitem
  • ▆⃞▆ Half done
    • ☐ Subitem 1 sub1
    • ☑ Subitem 2
    • ☑ Last subitem
  • ▇⃞▇ Almost done
    • ☐ Subitem 1 sub1
    • ☑ Subitem 2
    • ☑ Subitem 3
    • ☑ Last subitem

This is the content of sub3.

Explanation and Limits

The wiki pages sub1 and sub2 have been left out, but would appear at the end of the document. The content of sub3 would appear where the transclusion was found in the source. Transclusion of the same file multiple times make the content of the file show up multiple times.

However, linking to the same file multiple times (with or without anchors) only includes the file once.

There are some limits how the additional items can be used:

  • Check boxes can be placed at the beginning of any plain or formatted text, e.g. the beginning of an item in any list (ordered or unordered).

    If you really a check box in the middle of text, you have set a format, e.g. bold. Changing this checkbox is not supported by vimwiki and must be done manually.

  • Check boxes can be placed at the beginning of any paragraph too, but vimwiki does not support this with Ctrl-Space. The reason here is that some bullet lists are paragraphs and this filter cannot easily distinguish between a top-level paragraph and a bullet list paragraph.

  • Transclusions must be placed in top-level paragraphs. This has a technical reason [1] and a use-case reason [2].

  • Links can be placed anywhere. You can format them.

  • Neither links nor transclusions must contain spaces. This is a limit of the current implementation of this filter [3], not of pandoc. Pull requests are welcome.

  • Transcluded meta information (author, title, date) will be taken from the first place they are found. Partial information will be mixed according to the same rule: If you set the title in the top-level document to Title 1 and transclude a title (e.g. Title 2) and author, the final document will have Title 1 and the author.

  • Linked and transcluded files will be searched with the following list of extensions: .md, .markdown, .wiki, .mdwiki. The first file to be found will be read. There is no check for another match. .mdwiki can be used to distinguish between regular markdown and wikified markdown using vimwiki-register-extension. See vimwiki's help for that.

  • Headers in linked and transcluded files can have their depth changed (e.g. each <h1> in a transcluded file can be made a <h3>). Set the meta-variables [4] pandoc-vimwiki-link-header-bump and/or pandoc-vimwiki-transclude-header-bump to a positive integer to increase the depth of the transcluded/linked headers. Negative numbers are not allowed.

What's missing / next steps

tl;dr: Not much / bug fixing.

The filter implements most of my needs. It's sufficient to bridge the time until Pandoc adds native support for vimwiki.

If you find any bugs, please create an issue on github or submit a pull request.

If you have better unicode art to indicate the partially done check boxes, create an issue or submit a PR.


[1]: Files are composed of Blocks, a paragraph is a Block and therefore a file can replace a paragraph. Other things (e.g. bold sections) are not blocks and cannot be replaced by a Block.

[2]: You need to transclude other wikis on non-top level positions for two reasons: you want to refer to the same text twice (which can be faked with links) or you want to use the text as a template (which makes little sense as neither vimwiki nor pandoc have a mechanism to provide parameters for these templates; would be a cool feature, though).

[3]: I can't be bothered to implement it. I don't need it right now.

[4]: See Pandoc User’s Guide