
This repo holds a demo app i created for an internal Angular course at IT Minds. The corresponding slides can be found at:


  • Install Node from
  • Install Ruby from
  • Install Yo, CLI tool for running Yeoman generators
    • npm install -g yo generator-karma generator-angular
  • Install Grunt CLI, task runner used by Yo
    • npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
  • Install Compass SASS, used by the default Yo Angular generator
    • gem install compass
  • Install Bower, also a package manager...
    • npm install -g bower
  • In the folder where you checked out the repo run:
    • npm install
    • bower install

You should now be able to spin up the project:

  • grunt serve

If you want to run your test suite:

  • grunt test


If you are running with vanilla Node.js and NOT using Node Version Manager, you will have prefix most of the commands with sudo, specifically every npm install -g <package> and gem install <package> command.

  • Install Node from
  • OS X ships with a version of Ruby, but it is recommended to use Ruby Version Manager:
  • Install Yo, CLI tool for running Yeoman generators
    • npm install -g yo generator-karma generator-angular
  • Install Grunt CLI, task runner used by Yo
    • npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
  • Install Compass SASS, used by the default Yo Angular generator
    • gem install compass
  • Install Bower, also a package manager...
    • npm install -g bower
  • In the folder where you checked out the repo run:
    • npm install
    • bower install

You should now be able to spin up the project:

  • grunt serve

If you want to run your test suite:

  • grunt test