- 4
Retry the laser status remotely
#674 opened by magostinelli - 1
Using heightmap
#673 opened by screwt - 2
- 3
- 16
Problems on firefox with popup/setState
#656 opened by xxxajk - 2
Step and repeat function missing + rotated table (-Y, -X) and homing help + newer OSX version?
#617 opened by NikhajZzz - 4
No supported Firmware Detected
#628 opened by micahpe - 8
Anycubic Pro support?
#641 opened by blackPantherOS - 1
Machine Profile Load Does Nothing
#643 opened by jbarker2160 - 3
- 3
- 3
Jerky motion due to too many instructions
#659 opened by T-Workshop - 7
Changes to frontend not reflected
#661 opened by polchky - 5
Y axi is opposite
#662 opened by Sagigamil - 1
Cut internal first
#665 opened by loiz - 1
Can I choose a language?
#671 opened by auxp - 4
- 2
laser starting point
#670 opened by faisalzahid12 - 1
Laserweb 4 and Mac OS Sonoma
#669 opened by dvilarrocha - 9
laser test button
#668 opened by faisalzahid12 - 3
No supported Firmware Detected on Linux AppImage
#664 opened by dvilarrocha - 8
Where do I get the frontend for Linux
#663 opened by SidSkiba - 0
Feature Request: Hatches
#657 opened by RepubblicaTech - 2
Features request
#654 opened by remi75 - 10
Features request
#653 opened by remi75 - 0
Allow gcode comments in (parenthesis) since some controllers error on semicolon comments
#652 opened by easytarget - 34
program freezes on gcode generation
#651 opened by jmartens2 - 9
Wrong serial ports are shown in connection GUI
#644 opened by BorisBrock - 8
Missing Installation Instructions
#648 opened by QuirkyCort - 11
Connection Issues GRBL ESP32 Serial
#627 opened by ithinkido - 1
App closing protection
#646 opened by CTJoriginal - 3
No supported Firmware Detected
#642 opened by ricardofrias - 5
- 3
X, Y Shift after Z move in multi pass cut op.
#639 opened by opensourcefan - 0
Warn about hazzards when test Power > 0
#638 opened by easytarget - 2
Is it compatible with EleksLaser?
#634 opened by lramos-prolaser - 12
- 2
Path select in workspace via a region (select box)
#636 opened by easytarget - 1
Selectable Cut/Fill color for gcode representation
#621 opened by targor - 3
Feature Request For Laser Cutting
#625 opened by dcwalmsley - 1
Is Raspberry Pi support still maintained?
#632 opened by github-throwaway - 1
- 3
RasPi 4 install?
#629 opened by SiegeMstr - 1
Reprap firmware issue
#626 opened by tomlop33 - 1
GCode from Lightburn not valid
#616 opened by JoeCotty - 1
- 1
Laser position
#620 opened by targor - 1
Live view of cutting / engraving process
#622 opened by bman2000 - 3
- 0
Gamepad triggers error 22
#618 opened by Roukie686868