
Decoding of Heroes Might of Magic III files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Decoding of Heroes Might of Magic III files


Library can be installed with PIP: pip install homm3data


Saving all frames from def file as png files:

from homm3data import deffile

with deffile.open('path/to/deffile.def') as d:
    for group in d.get_groups():
        for frame in range(d.get_frame_count(group)):
            img = d.read_image('combined', group, frame)
            img.save('path/to/image_group%d_frame%d.png' % (group, frame))

Extracting image from pcx inside lod file:

from homm3data import pcxfile, lodfile

with lodfile.open('path/to/h3bitmap.lod') as lod:
    data = lod.get_file("aishield.pcx")
    if pcxfile.is_pcx(data):

Extracting image from pak file (Heroes III HD):

from homm3data import pakfile

with pakfile.open("path/to/sprite_DXT_com_x3.pak") as pak:
    img = pak.get_image("AVWIMPX0", "AVWIMPX1")

Extracting text from H3 demo:

import urllib.request
import tarfile
from io import BytesIO
from homm3data import lodfile

url = "http://updates.lokigames.com/loki_demos/heroes3-demo.run"
contents = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
data = contents.split(b"END_OF_STUB\n", 1)[1]
with tarfile.open(fileobj=BytesIO(data), mode="r:gz") as tar:
    with lodfile.open(tar.extractfile("data/demos/heroes3_demo/data/h3bitmap.lod")) as lod:
        data = lod.get_file("GENRLTXT.TXT")


The API for the library is described here.


Library is released under MIT license.

Some parts of code are based on lodextract from josch. Originally published under GPL. Josch kindly gave me permission (via e-mail) to use the code under MIT as well. Thanks a lot!