Profile the Kernel Using CUpti profiling API

    participant Device
    participant Session
    participant ConfigurationImage as Configuration Image
    participant CounterDataImage as Counter Data Image
    participant Event
    participant Counter
    participant Metric
    participant Pass
    participant Range

    note over ConfigurationImage: Configures Contain desire metric
    note over CounterDataImage: Store the collected metrics

    rect rgb(200, 150, 255) 
        note right of Device: Multiple Sessions
        Device->>Session: Allocates resources

    Session->>CounterDataImage: Contains
    Session->>ConfigurationImage: Contains

    Event->>Counter: Counts occurrences
    Counter->>Metric: Used to calculate

    note over Range: Multiple kernels
    Pass->>Range: Consists of
    loop Multiple Replay
        Replay->>CounterDataImage: Per unique range-stack

    Session->>Replay: Runs series of
  • CUDA_INJECTION64_PATH is set to a shared library
  • INJECTION_KERNEL_COUNT: This sets the number of kernels in a session
  • INJECTION_METRICS: This sets the metrics to gather, separated by space, comma,or semicolon. Default metrics are: sm__cycles_elapsed.avg gpu__time_duration.sum
#build example
bazel build //src:reduce 

#build shared lib
bazel build --config=rules_cuda //lib:injection_shared_using_rules_cuda 

env INJECTION_KERNEL_COUNT=2 CUDA_INJECTION64_PATH=./bazel-bin/lib/ bazel-bin/src/reduce 16777216 256 256 1
Range Name Metric Name Metric Value (ns)
0 gpu__time_duration.sum 73920.000000
1 gpu__time_duration.sum 1472.000000
0 sm__cycles_elapsed.avg 185964.296875
1 sm__cycles_elapsed.avg 3650.703125