participant Device
participant Session
participant ConfigurationImage as Configuration Image
participant CounterDataImage as Counter Data Image
participant Event
participant Counter
participant Metric
participant Pass
participant Range
note over ConfigurationImage: Configures Contain desire metric
note over CounterDataImage: Store the collected metrics
rect rgb(200, 150, 255)
note right of Device: Multiple Sessions
Device->>Session: Allocates resources
Session->>CounterDataImage: Contains
Session->>ConfigurationImage: Contains
Event->>Counter: Counts occurrences
Counter->>Metric: Used to calculate
note over Range: Multiple kernels
Pass->>Range: Consists of
loop Multiple Replay
Replay->>CounterDataImage: Per unique range-stack
Session->>Replay: Runs series of
- CUDA_INJECTION64_PATH is set to a shared library
- INJECTION_KERNEL_COUNT: This sets the number of kernels in a session
- INJECTION_METRICS: This sets the metrics to gather, separated by space, comma,or semicolon. Default metrics are: sm__cycles_elapsed.avg gpu__time_duration.sum
#build example
bazel build //src:reduce
#build shared lib
bazel build --config=rules_cuda //lib:injection_shared_using_rules_cuda
env INJECTION_KERNEL_COUNT=2 CUDA_INJECTION64_PATH=./bazel-bin/lib/ bazel-bin/src/reduce 16777216 256 256 1
Range Name | Metric Name | Metric Value (ns) |
0 | gpu__time_duration.sum | 73920.000000 |
1 | gpu__time_duration.sum | 1472.000000 |
0 | sm__cycles_elapsed.avg | 185964.296875 |
1 | sm__cycles_elapsed.avg | 3650.703125 |