Extend Python with nanobind and cuda

nvcc fatal : No input files specified

xla cross tool search source file with only have extension

  src_files = [f for f in src_files if
               re.search('\.cpp$|\.cc$|\.c$|\.cxx$|\.C$', f)]

in this list there is no .cu that the reason no input files specified error

Missing -G flag in tsl (Tensor Standard library)

In tsl they used the template for generating the cross compiler executable external/local_config_cuda/crosstool/clang/bin/crosstool_wrapper_driver_is_not_gcc in file they generate the command for nvcc

Generate a Git Diff

Use Git diff for the changes generate patch:

# this command done in xla project repo
git diff source_branch target_branch  > my_patch.diff

Use patch file in bazel

Once we generated the command , we specify the patch file in http_archive, this will apply patch while extracting the repo .

# third_party/xla/workspace.bzl
 patch_file = [

Alternative way to add nvcc_flags such -G

Instead of using patch we can use -nvcc_options flag to specify the nvcc options.

# these LOC from local_config_cuda/crosstool/clang/bin/crosstool_wrapper_driver_is_not_gcc file
nvcc_compiler_options = GetNvccOptions(argv)
parser.add_argument('-nvcc_options', nargs='*', action='append')
' '.join(['--'+a for a in options])

we need pass long-form name after the -nvcc_options

copts = [

Debugging Python ,C++,Cuda

Create Configuration for both python and cuda Attach . first launch the python debugger and then attach the running process pid to to Cuda attach

CUDA C++: Attach

# Refer launch.json for paths
      "name": "CUDA C++: Attach",
      "type": "cuda-gdb",
      "request": "attach",
      "debuggerPath": "/usr/local/cuda-12.1/bin/cuda-gdb",
      "processId": "${command:cuda.pickProcess}",
      "initCommands": [
        "directory ...",
        "set solib-search-path ...",
        "set substitute-path old_path crt_path"
        "set breakpoint pending on",
        "break ext.cu.cc:12",
  • initCommands:
    • directory ...: Sets the source directory for the CUDA GDB session.
    • set solib-search-path ...: Sets the path for the shared library.
    • set substitute-path old_path crt_path: Specifies path substitution for source files.
    • set breakpoint pending on: Enables pending breakpoints.
    • break ext.cu.cc:12: Sets a breakpoint at line 12 of the ext.cu.cc file.
    • you place break point in IDE itself.

Python: Current File

      "name": "Python: Current File",
      "type": "debugpy",
      "request": "launch",
      "program": "${file}",
      "console": "integratedTerminal",
      "env": {
        "PYTHONPATH": "${workspaceFolder}/bazel-bin/test.runfiles/__main__"
  • Sets the PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the specified path.

Building and Installing a Python Package with Bazel

This document outlines the process of creating and installing a Python package using Bazel, a popular build and automation tool. We'll focus on including shared libraries within the package.

1. Building the Script and Copying Shared Libraries

  1. Shared Library Target: Define a target in your BUILD file to build your shared library using the appropriate Bazel rules (e.g., cc_binary for C++ libraries).
    name = "ext",
    srcs = ["ext.cu.cc"],
  1. Build Script (build_wheel.py):
    • Create a build_wheel.py script that performs the following:
      • Access Shared Library: Use the runfiles module to access the location of the built shared library from the target you defined in step 1.
      • Copy Library: Copy the shared library to the designated package directory.
      • Prepare Other Files: Copy other necessary files like modules, scripts, LICENSE, README, and pyproject.toml to the package directory.
  2. Bazel Target for Script: Define a py_binary target in your BUILD file for build_wheel.py. This target depends on the shared library target (deps).
    name = "build_wheel",
    srcs = ["build_wheel.py"],
    data = [
    deps = [

2. Building the Wheel

  1. Setuptools Integration: Configure your project to use setuptools as the backend build system in pyproject.toml.
  2. Wheel Building Command: After executing the script, use the following command to build the wheel:
python -m build -n -w

This command creates the wheel in the dist directory.

3. Installing the Wheel

pip install dist/your_package-version-py3-none-any.whl