Elasticsearch Migrate

This is a schema migration framework for Elasticsearch (7+).

To use it:

  1. npm install @lastcall/elasticsearch-migrate
  2. Configure it.


To configure migrations, create a new entry in your project's package.json with the key elasticsearch-migrate. Example:

  "elasticsearch-migrate": {
    "root": ".",
    "migrations": ["./dist/migrations/*.js"],
    "elasticsearch": "http://localhost:9200",
    "index": "migrations"

Each configuration option is optional, with a good default provided. Options are described below:

  • root: The root directory to use when resolving the migrations pattern (defaults to the current working directory).
  • migrations: Glob patterns pointing to migration files, which must be in .js format. Defaults to ./migrations/*.js.
  • elasticsearch: Configuration options for the Elasticsearch client. May be a string URI, a relative path pointing to a javascript file that exports a fully configured @elastic/elasticsearch Client object, or an object specifying the Elasticsearch configuration.
  • index: The Elasticsearch index to use for tracking migration status. Defaults to migrations.