
Some Material Design Components Web library

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A ClojureScript library designed for use of the Material Design Components for Web in Rum based ClojureScript applications.

Not complete, just what I needed so far. Feel free to PR some more.


Add to dependencies: [laststar/mdc-rum "0.2.0"].

Clone this repository, and in it run lein install.

For css styles you need to add link to MDC styles:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="cljsjs/material-components/production/material-components.min.inc.css">

to your index.hml.


mdc-rum.core namespace contains keyword constants for hiccup style MDC elements:

(require '[mdc-rum.core :as mdc])

[mdc/icon "face"] ;; <span class="material-icons">face</span>`

mdc-rum.components namespace contains Rum components:

(require '[mdc-rum.components :as mdcc])

[mdcc/button {:some :options} "Label"] 

mdc-rum.mixins namespace contains MDC mixins, used mostly internally by the components.


I definitely know about other libraries, which solve similar problem like rum-mdc. But I am not sure I need to create Rum component for every element and reimplement all the MDC JavaScript myself.

Still probably these other libraries are better for you :-).


Copyright © 2017 LastStar.eu

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.