
Convert hexadecimal colors to RGB and vice versa with various options.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Flux Color Convert Box Unicode Characters Logo

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Gui to convert hexadecimal colors to decimal RGB format and vice versa with a few options for the outputs format (prepend '0x', '#', or nothing to the hexadecimal output and the option to automatically copy the output to the clipboard).

This is a hybrid program; the gui is written in AutoHotkey[1] and the conversion functions are written in C++.


I use colors in many things like programming, web design, graphic design, configuration files, and more so I often need to convert the values for the various formats. This tool helps with that.

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This is a Windows gui tool that can be installed or used portably.

How To Use


An installer is provided in the Releases section that installs this to Program Files in the Flux Color Convert directory. The installer provides a way to uninstall the program like you would any other installable program in Windows and it also creates a program shortcut for your Start Menu and allows creation of a Desktop shortcut.


You can use this portably if you like, but it negates the conveniences of the installer.

To use portably just download the FluxColorConvert.exe executable, the contents of ./lib/ directory, and the contents of the ./resources/ directory from the root of this project and place the executable anywhere you like and create the lib and directories in the same directory and place the extra files in their corresponding directories.

If you use git you can also just clone this repository and use from there or download the afore mentioned files and directories to wherever you like.

To clone:

git clone "https://github.com/Lateralus138/FluxColorConvert.git"


Convert the the RGB value 255 127 255 to its correspoding hexadecimal value 0xFF7FFF prepending with 0x for use in lower level programming and in uppercase rather than the default lower case:


Project Information

This project is written in AutoHotkey and C++.



Source File Quality

This is graded by CodeFactor and is subjective, but helps me to refactor my work.

Name Status

File MD5 Hashes

All hashes are retrieved at compile/build time.

Current Windows X64 Installer MD5


Other Miscellaneous File Information

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Project Release Date GitHub Release Date
Total downloads for this project GitHub all releases
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Commits in last year GitHub commit activity


Program's icon (made by me):



Any web queries are done at DuckDuckGo.

Note 1

Web query for "AutoHotkey"

AutoHoey search @ DDG


License Info

License Excerpt
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.