
Leverage web scraping within facebook-chat-automation to automate Facebook Messenger interactions. Develop bots, schedule messages, and program interactions using scraping techniques.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This Python script provides a simple yet powerful automation tool for interacting with Facebook Messenger.


  1. Web Scraping: Utilizes web scraping techniques with libraries such as requests, BeautifulSoup, and re to interact with the Facebook Messenger web interface.
  2. Cookie-based Authentication: Allows users to log in using their Facebook cookies for authentication.
  3. Sending Messages: Enables sending messages to specified Facebook users or groups. Users can input a message and choose accounts from a list to send messages to.
  4. Sending Photos: Supports sending photos along with messages. Users can provide paths to photo files, and the script handles the upload and inclusion of photos in messages.
  5. Delay Functionality: Provides an option to set a delay between sending messages, allowing for controlled and gradual message sending.
  6. Exception Handling: Implements exception handling for cases such as invalid cookies or missing files.
  7. Clear CLI Interface: Offers a clear command-line interface for user interaction and feedback.

How to Install?

Clone Repo

git clone https://github.com/Latip176/facebook-chat-automation

Install Requirements

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

