LatticeX Foundation is pleased to support the open source community by making Rosetta-Log available.
Rosetta-Log is base on the spdlog which version is 1.6.1, add/modify some features:
- add aduit level: spdlog::level::audit
- rename critical to fatal
- add task_id as logger's handler
- add cpp-stream style
- turn on console logger
- set default debug pattern for console :
%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e|%^%l%$|%s:%#|%v
, meanwhile, the default file logger 's pattern is%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e|%l|%s:%#|%v
- set default release pattern for console :
%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e|%^%l%$|%v
, meanwhile, the default file logger 's pattern is%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e|%l|%v
- logfile sink is basic sink and sync mode
Copy the source Rosetta-Log to your build tree and use a C++11 compiler.
Rosetta-Log suggested share library. If we want use Header only, please add two files for compiled:
For example, if we compiled example/example.cpp
with command line, please use:
g++ -std=c++11 example.cpp ../src/loggers.cpp ../src/logger_stream.cpp -o example -I../include -lpthread
Rosetta-Log will create a share library
$ git clone
$ cd Rosetta-Log && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make -j
Directory example have two samples :
- example.cpp: spdlog orignal sample
- test.cpp: for Rosetta-Log sample
Two samples will be created when we execute root of CMakeLists.txt:
$ git clone
$ cd Rosetta-Log && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make -j
$ ./example/example
$ ./example/test
#include "spdlog/loggers.h"
* if compiled in the command line, for example, in current directory, please execute follow command
* g++ -std=c++11 test.cpp ../src/loggers.cpp ../src/logger_stream.cpp -o test -I../include -lpthread
int main(int ac, char* av[])
//spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::trace); // Set global log level to info
spdlog::info("Welcome to spdlog version {}.{}.{} !", SPDLOG_VER_MAJOR, SPDLOG_VER_MINOR, SPDLOG_VER_PATCH);
spdlog::trace("this trace should not be display because the default level is spdlog::info");
spdlog::debug("this debug should not be display because the default level is spdlog::info");
spdlog::audit("this audit should not be display because the default level is spdlog::info");
spdlog::info("this info should be display because the default level is spdlog::info");
spdlog::warn("this warn should be display because the default level is spdlog::info");
spdlog::error("this error should be display because the default level is spdlog::info");
spdlog::critical("this critical should be display because the default level is spdlog::info");
spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::trace); // Set global log level to info
spdlog::trace("this trace should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");
spdlog::debug("this debug should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");
spdlog::audit("this audit should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");
spdlog::trace("this info should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");
spdlog::warn("this warn should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");
spdlog::error("this error should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");
spdlog::critical("this critical should be display because the level is spdlog::trace");
// use the wrap fmt of T*_ logger, all logger messages will display, begin
TTRACE_("", "hello world {} - {}", "again", 9909);
TDEB_("", "DEB");
TAUDIT_("","AUDIT {}", 123);
TINFO_("", "INFO");
TWARN_("", "WARN");
// use the wrap fmt of T*_ logger, all logger messages will display, end
// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages will display, begin
// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages will display, end
// Set logger filename
const char* logger_sink = "test_sink";
Logger::Get().set_filename("log/test.log", logger_sink);
// use the wrap fmt of T*_ logger, all logger messages not only display on console, but also write to file, begin
TTRACE_(logger_sink, "hello world {} - {}", "again", 9909);
TTRACE_(logger_sink, "TRACE");
TDEB_(logger_sink, "DEB");
TAUDIT_(logger_sink,"AUDIT {}", 123);
TINFO_(logger_sink, "INFO");
TWARN_(logger_sink, "WARN");
TERROR_(logger_sink, "ERROR");
TFATAL_(logger_sink, "FATAL");
// use the wrap fmt of T*_ logger, all logger messages not only display on console, but also write to file, end
// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages not only display on console, bu also write to file, begin
// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages not only display on console, but also write to file, end
// all logger message will write to console, begin
Trace()<<"ZERO Trace file and console";
Deb()<<"ZERO Deb file and console";
Audit()<<"ZERO Audit file and console";
Info()<<"ZERO Info file and console";
Warn()<<"ZERO Warn file and console";
Error()<<"ZERO Error file and console";
Fatal()<<"ZERO Fatal file and console";
// all logger message will write to console, end
// all logger message will write to file and console, begin
Trace(logger_sink)<<"Trace file and console";
Deb(logger_sink)<<"Deb file and console";
Audit(logger_sink)<<"Audit file and console";
Info(logger_sink)<<"Info file and console";
Warn(logger_sink)<<"Warn file and console";
Error(logger_sink)<<"Error file and console";
Fatal(logger_sink)<<"Fatal file and console";
// all logger message will write to file and console, end
// set pattern to spdlog's default formart
// use the wrap fmt of T*_ logger, all logger messages will write to file, begin
TTRACE_(logger_sink, "hello world {} - {}", "again", 9909);
TTRACE_(logger_sink, "TRACE");
TDEB_(logger_sink, "DEB");
TAUDIT_(logger_sink,"AUDIT {}", 123);
TINFO_(logger_sink, "INFO");
TWARN_(logger_sink, "WARN");
TERROR_(logger_sink, "ERROR");
TFATAL_(logger_sink, "FATAL");
// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages will write to file, begin
// use the wrap cpp-stream of tlog_*_ logger, all logger messages will write to file, end
// all logger message will write to console, begin
Trace()<<"ZERO Trace file";
Deb()<<"ZERO Deb file";
Audit()<<"ZERO Audit file";
Info()<<"ZERO Info file";
Warn()<<"ZERO Warn file";
Error()<<"ZERO Error file";
Fatal()<<"ZERO Fatal file";
// all logger message will write to console, end
// all logger message will write to file and console, begin
Trace(logger_sink)<<"Trace file";
Deb(logger_sink)<<"Deb file";
Audit(logger_sink)<<"Audit file";
Info(logger_sink)<<"Info file";
Warn(logger_sink)<<"Warn file";
Error(logger_sink)<<"Error file";
Fatal(logger_sink)<<"Fatal file";
// all logger message will write to file and console, end
return 0;
If use cpp-style stream for logger, please dont logger std::endl, Since the logger will newline for every logger message. If we want a newline between logger message, please use "\n".
If we set logger filename, all console messages will write to logger file.