

This repository contains code from the master thesis "Identifying and mitigating of bias in machine learning models" by Daniel Juhász Vigild and Lau Johansson.

Read our master thesis here

In the moment, the repository is mainly focused on passing on code to the AIR project. However, we hope to inspire other to investigate bias using our approach as suggested in the thesis. Here is a wrap-up:

Step 1: Choose a protected variable (we choose "gender").
Step 2: Create TPR, FPR, TNR and FNR grouped by females and males.
Step 3: Compare the difference between the rates between the two genders (use e.g. a barplot with 95% confidence intervals).
Step 4: Calculate the relation between the classification rates between the genders.
Step 5: Assess the relation using e.g. using the 80% rule.
Step 6: Assess if any gender related bias can be identified.

You are welcome to be inspired by the notebook Plot measures.ipynb to perform step 3-6.


pip install fairlearn
pip install BlackBoxAuditing
pip install xgboost

AIR specific: Data transformation for machine learning

Data in correct folder

Move AIR data to the data_air/ folder.

Should be the files:


Actually, it is only "Fall_count.csv" that is used in our the scripts. You can choose to use one of the other AIR datasets, but then you need to manually change the code in the notebooks accordingly.
Now use Transform data.ipynb to transform the data. You are now ready to use the scripts from legacy/

AIR specific: Building XGBoost machine learning models using mitigation techniques

This code has used the XGBoost models from AIR project’s GitLab. Thanks to the authors Christian Fischer Pedersen and Christian Marius Lillelund.

XGBoost A1.ipynb builds a XGBoost on the AIR dataset.
XGBoost A2 with SHAP plots.ipynb builds a XGBoost on the AIR dataset and create SHAP plots.
XGBoost B: dropping gender.ipynb as A1 where the mitigation technique "dropping gender" is applied.
XGBoost C: gender swap.ipynb as A1 where the mitigation technique "gender swap" is applied.
XGBoost D: learning fair representations (LFR).ipynb as A1 where the mitigation technique "learning fair representations" is applied.
XGBoost E: disparate impact removal (DI removal).ipynb as A1 where the mitigation technique "disparate impact removal" is applied.
XGBoost F: all mitigation techniques.ipynb as A1 where all the mitigation techniques above can be combined.

All of the notebooks automatically create the data for plotting and identifying bias (see "Save plot metrics" below.).

General: Plotting

Generate plot metrics

Use the file Get classification metrics.ipynb for this purpose. In the following there is a short explanation of what the script does:

In the folder Plot_metrics/ create a new subfolder: Plot_metrics/{folder_name}/

For each model you create you need to save a individual file.

E.g. if your model is a XGBoost model call the file Plot_metrics/{folder_name}/"XGBoost_gender.csv"

The file should have this specific columns:

Gender TPR FPR TNR FNR Model
Male 0.80 0.70 0.30 0.20 "XGBoost"
Female 0.80 0.70 0.30 0.20 "XGBoost"
Male 0.75 0.65 0.35 0.25 "XGBoost"
Female 0.60 0.70 0.30 0.40 "XGBoost"
Male 0.90 0.90 0.10 0.10 "XGBoost"
Female 0.80 0.70 0.30 0.20 "XGBoost"
Male ... ... ... ... ....
Female ... ... ... ... ....

E.g. if your model is a FFNN model call the file Plot_metrics/{folder_name}/"FFNN_gender.csv"

The file should have this specific columns:
Gender TPR FPR TNR FNR Model
Male 0.80 0.70 0.30 0.20 "FFNN"
Female 0.80 0.70 0.30 0.20 "FFNN"
Male 0.75 0.65 0.35 0.25 "FFNN"
Female 0.60 0.70 0.30 0.40 "FFNN"
Male 0.90 0.90 0.10 0.10 "FFNN"
Female 0.80 0.70 0.30 0.20 "FFNN"
Male ... ... ... ... ....
Female ... ... ... ... ....

Create the plots

Use the notebook "2. Plot measures.ipynb" to create the plots.

General: Legacy

All scripts used in the master thesis is located in the legacy/ folder.
NB! All files were converted to .py files when downloading our master thesis to ensure that no personal data was extracted from the .ipynb files

Almost all of the files has been converted back to .ipynb, but some of the files are still not converted to notebooks.