This repo is originally based on the SmartPi 2.0 expansion module, which adds interfaces for voltage measurement and non-contact current measurement to the Raspberry Pi, making it a fully-fledged Smart Meter. This project processes and visualizes the data collected by the SmartPi. Although, it can be used for any type of numerical data stream published to an MQTT broker by simply modifying the settings.init
The script mqtt_control/ processes the incoming data and passes it to plot/ in an asynchronies way for live visualization.
The script orchestrates both scrips running them as separated processes using pythons multiprocessing library.
Dependency management in python is handled via poetry. To install poetry make sure you aren't in a virtual environment so that poetry is available system-wide and run:
pip3 install poetry
After activating your environment install all required python dependencies by running:
poetry install
Install the pre-commit hooks:
poetry run pre-commit install
The application uses the MQTT protocol. To subscribe to an existing service you can simply edit the settings.ini file. If you want to run the application locally you have to install and start an MQTT broker.
E.g. on MacOS with brew run:
- Install broker
brew install mosquitto
- Start broker
brew services start mosquitto
- Monitore the broker (address=, port=1883,topic=# (all topics))
mosquitto_sub -v -h -p 1883 -t '#'
To run the application first adapt settings.ini
to your requirements and then run:
poetry run python smartpi/
If you simply want to test the application using dummy data you can run:
poetry run python smartpi/ test_run
By passing the command line argument test_run
, will in addition start up the mqtt_control/ script that publishes dummy data to the broker.