MVVM and Databinding for Unity3d(C# & XLua)
Developed by Clark
Requires Unity 2018.4 or higher.
LoxodonFramework is a lightweight MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel) framework built specifically to target Unity3D. Databinding and localization are supported.It has a very flexible extensibility.It makes your game development faster and easier.
For tutorials,examples and support,please see the project.You can also discuss the project in the Unity Forums.
The plugin is compatible with MacOSX,Windows,Linux,UWP,WebGL,IOS and Android,and provides all the source code of the project.
If you like this framework or think it is useful, please write a review on AssetStore or give me a STAR or FORK it on Github, thank you!
Tested in Unity 3D on the following platforms:
OpenUPM can automatically manage dependencies, it is recommended to use it to install the framework.
Requires nodejs's npm and openupm-cli, if not installed please install them first.
# Install openupm-cli,please ignore if it is already installed.
npm install -g openupm-cli
#Go to the root directory of your project
cd F:/workspace/New Unity Project
#Install loxodon-framework
openupm add com.vovgou.loxodon-framework
Modify the Packages/manifest.json file in your project, add the third-party repository ""'s configuration and add "com.vovgou.loxodon-framework" in the "dependencies" node.
Installing the framework in this way does not require nodejs and openm-cli.
"dependencies": {
"com.unity.modules.xr": "1.0.0",
"com.vovgou.loxodon-framework": "2.0.0-preview"
"scopedRegistries": [
"name": "",
"url": "",
"scopes": [
After Unity 2019.3.4f1 that support path query parameter of git package. You can add to Package Manager
Download Loxodon.Framework2.x.x.unitypackage and import it into your project.
Unity 2019 and later versions can import examples through Package Manager.
If the Editor is Unity 2018 version, please find Examples.unitypackage and Tutorials.unitypackage in the "Packages/Loxodon Framework/Package Resources/" folder, double-click to import into the project.
- MVVM Framework;
- Multiple platforms;
- Higher Extensibility;
- async&await (C#&Lua)
- try&catch&finally for lua
- XLua support(You can make your game in lua.);
- Asynchronous result and asynchronous task are supported;
- Scheduled Executor and Multi-threading;
- Messaging system support;
- Preferences can be encrypted;
- Localization support;
- Databinding support:
- Field binding;
- Property binding;
- Dictionary,list and array binding;
- Event binding;
- Unity3d's EventBase binding;
- Static property and field binding;
- Method binding;
- Command binding;
- ObservableProperty,ObservableDictionary and ObservableList binding;
- Expression binding;
- .Net2.0 and .Net2.0 Subset,please use version 1.9.x.
- LoxodonFramework 2.0 supports .Net4.x and .Net Standard2.0
- LoxodonFramework 2.0 supports Mono and IL2CPP
Create a view and view model of the progress bar.
public class ProgressBarViewModel : ViewModelBase
private string tip;
private bool enabled;
private float value;
public ProgressBarViewModel()
public string Tip
get { return this.tip; }
set { this.Set<string>(ref this.tip, value, nameof(Tip)); }
public bool Enabled
get { return this.enabled; }
set { this.Set<bool>(ref this.enabled, value, nameof(Enabled)); }
public float Value
get { return this.value; }
set { this.Set<float>(ref this.value, value, nameof(Value)); }
public class ProgressBarView : UIView
public GameObject progressBar;
public Text progressTip;
public Text progressText;
public Slider progressSlider;
protected override void Awake()
var bindingSet = this.CreateBindingSet<ProgressBar, ProgressBarViewModel>();
bindingSet.Bind(this.progressBar).For(v => v.activeSelf).To(vm => vm.Enabled).OneWay();
bindingSet.Bind(this.progressTip).For(v => v.text).To(vm => vm.Tip).OneWay();
bindingSet.Bind(this.progressText).For(v => v.text)
.ToExpression(vm => string.Format("{0:0.00}%", vm.Value * 100)).OneWay();
bindingSet.Bind(this.progressSlider).For(v => v.value).To(vm => vm.Value).OneWay();
IEnumerator Unzip(ProgressBarViewModel progressBar)
progressBar.Tip = "Unziping";
progressBar.Enabled = true;//Display the progress bar
for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
//TODO:Add unzip code here.
progressBar.Value = (i/(float)30);
yield return null;
progressBar.Enabled = false;//Hide the progress bar
progressBar.Tip = "";
Loxodon Framework Localization For CSV
It supports localization files in csv format, requires Unity2018.4 or higher.
It supports making games with lua scripts.
If Loxodon.Framework 2.0 is not installed, please install it first.
You can download the latest version of xlua from Xlua's Github repository,the file name is usually, unzip and copy it to your project.XLua Download
Download Loxodon.Framework.XLua.unitypackage from github and import it into your Unity project.
In Unity2018 and above, if you use .net 4.x and .net standard 2.0, there will be compatibility issues. Please see the xlua's FAQs. XLua FAQ
Find Examples.unitypackage in the "Assets/LoxodonFramework/XLua/Package Resources" folder and import it into the project.
Lua precompilation tool
Loxodon Framework Bundle is an AssetBundle manager.It provides a functionality that can automatically manage/load an AssetBundle and its dependencies from local or remote location.Asset Dependency Management including BundleManifest that keep track of every AssetBundle and all of their dependencies. An AssetBundle Simulation Mode which allows for iterative testing of AssetBundles in a the Unity editor without ever building an AssetBundle.
The asset redundancy analyzer can help you find the redundant assets included in the AssetsBundles.Create a fingerprint for the asset by collecting the characteristic data of the asset. Find out the redundant assets in all AssetBundles by fingerprint only supports the AssetBundle of Unity 5.6 or higher.
This is a log plugin.It helps you to use Log4Net in the Unity3d.
NOTE:Please enable "Allow unsafe Code"
ObfuscatedInt length = 200; ObfuscatedFloat scale = 20.5f; int offset = 30; float value = (length * scale) + offset;
This is a network connection component, implemented using TcpClient, supports IPV6 and IPV4, automatically recognizes the current network when connecting with a domain name, and preferentially connects to the IPV4 network.
This implementation is actually a fork of the excellent work of SaladLab, Json.Net.Unity3D, and of course, the excellent work of the initial author, Newtonsoft!
LiteDB is a small, fast and lightweight NoSQL embedded database.
When I started with Unity3d development I needed to use SQLite in my project and it was very hard to me to find a place with simple instructions on how to make it work. All I got were links to paid solutions on the Unity3d's Assets Store and a lot of different and complicated tutorials.
At the end, I decided that there should be a simpler way and I created SQLite4Unity3d, a plugin that helps you to use SQLite in your Unity3d projects in a clear and easy way and works in iOS, Mac, Android and Windows projects.
It uses the great sqlite-net library as a base so you will have Linq besides sql. For a further reference on what possibilities you have available with this library I encourage you to visit its github repository.
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