
AWS provisioner for ngrok

Primary LanguageShell

AWS ngrok

How to run your own ngrokd server

1. Launch from AMI

Launch EC2 virtual machine.

Security Group

  • 22 - ssh
  • 80 - ngrok
  • 443 - ngrok for https
  • 4443 - Tunneling connections
  • 8080 - Clients download

2. Modify your DNS

You need to use the DNS management tools given to you by your provider to create an A record which points *.example.com to the IP address of the server where you will run ngrokd.

3. Run the server

You'll run the server with the following command.

ngrokd -domain="example.com"

4. Download the client software

Please download client software from the following url.

  • windows_amd64.zip
  • darwin_amd64.zip

5. Configure the client

In order to connect with a client, you'll need to set two options in ngrok's configuration file. The ngrok configuration file is a simple YAML file that is read from ~/.ngrok by default. You may specify a custom configuration file path with the -config switch. Your config file must contain the following two options.

server_addr: example.com:4443
trust_host_root_certs: true

6. Connect with a client

Then, just run ngrok as usual to connect securely to your own ngrokd server!

./ngrok 80

If you use the Vagrant.


Other information.