
Codeship Status for davidrf/launchvotes Code Climate Coverage Status


A Rails app that allows users to nominate each other for awards and vote on them. Inspired by the Sinatra app built by Omid Bachari and Alex Morgan.

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ER Diagram

ER Diagram

Challenges Faced

  • Incorporating Github OmniAuth for user athentication.
  • Building a secure admin interface.
  • Employing Active Record callbacks to prevent modification and deletion of critical data.
  • Using scopes to construct precise Active Record queries.
  • Designing a visually attractive pages with SASS.
  • Enhancing user interface with AJAX.

Setting Up Locally

  1. First clone down the repo, load the schema, and run the seed file.
$ git clone
$ rake db:setup
  1. Sign In To Github and register a new OAuth application.
  • For the "Homepage URL", fill in http://localhost:3000
  • For the "Authorization callback URL", fill in http://localhost:3000/users/auth/github
  1. Once the application is registered, create a .env using the .env.example as a template and use the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" from your registered OAuth application.
  2. Start the server.
$ rails server
  1. Visit your application.