Web Starter Kit TS

It's a simple HTML starter kit with Typescript support.

Live link: https://web-starter-kit-ts.netlify.app/


  • TS only.
  • HTML template.
  • Vendor chunks
  • CSS, SCSS support
  • Vendor Chunking
  • ESLint TS
  • Reset CSS
  • .png, .jpg, .svg support
  • Code splitting
  • Lazy Loading

Installation Guide

  • Install degit globally using npm install -g degit.
  • Bootstrap project using degit launchpad5682/web-starter-kit-TS.
  • Use npm install to install all the packages.

Development Mode

  • Run using npm start which will create a live server with hot-reload.
  • Update TS files in the src directory, add images to assets, add styles in styles directory.
  • Example for Image import and lazy loading is added in the index.ts file.

Production mode

  • Run npm run build, this'll combine and create a dist with the resulted code for deployment.