Prova Finale di Ingegneria del Software - a.a. 2019-2020

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The purpose of the project is to develop the board game Santorini. The implementation follows Object-Oriented Programming paradigms.

Before playing

You can find the complete set of rules of the original board game here. Java Runtime Environment 8 or greater is required in order to play. More information here.


Library Description
maven build automation tool
junit unit testing framework
gson serialize and deserialize Java objects to JSON
JavaFx next-generation standard GUI library for Java

Gruppo AM29

Group Components

Functionality State
Basic rules GREEN
Complete rules GREEN
Socket GREEN
Multiple games RED
Persistence RED
Advanced Gods GREEN
Undo RED

Start playing

Start the Server

The Server.Jar file is into Deliverables folder

The execution can be done within a shell with the following command:

$ java -jar path/to/server.jar

Start the client

Similarly, also the Client.Jar file is into Deliverables folder

Playing under Windows & macOS


"PowerShell for Windows" is suggested for a better user experience.

$ java -jar path/to/client.jar -cli


$ java -jar path/to/client.jar