Countries App

For tonight, we'd like you to combine your knowledge of express, mongo and mongoose to build an application that has full CRUD on countries.

Each country should have a/an:

  • name
  • flag (this should be an image URL)
  • capital
  • population (this should be a number)

Getting started

  1. Initialize an express application (touch app.js, npm init etc.)
  2. Include the required dependencies (don't forget mongoose!)
  3. Create your schema and models
  4. Test your models! (Just run node NAME_OF_FILE.js)
  5. Start working on your routes and views - Your routes must be RESTful!


  • Style your application using bootstrap or custom css(if you want to do this, remember to use express.static)
  • Add a property to your countries schema which is called cities (this should be an array). A user should be able to add and update cities for each country. When the user adds/updates cities - they should include them as a comma seperated list. Your application should take each city and add it to the cities array for that country.