

This function was created to simulate most of the options and flags performed by the original printf function provided in the standard library <stdio.h>

Conversion specifiers

Conversion specifier What does it do?
d, i converts argument into decimal and integer
b converts unsigned int into binary
c int argument is converted to an unsigned char
s the string will be written up to the null character
o converts decimal into unsigned octal
u converts argument into unsigned integer

Further information

For further information please refer to Man-page for this project

Requirements ๐Ÿ“‹

Basic knowledge about C programming language Basic knowledge about shell and linux A text editor software

Built with

  • C programming language

Operation ๐Ÿ”ง

_The correct way to use the printf function it's very easy, just put the following line inside your C program:

i.e. _printf("Character:[%c]\n", 'H');
     _printf("String:[%s]\n", "I am a string !");

After proccess and compile your files, your output will look like this:

String:[I am a string !]

Version ๐Ÿ“Œ

_ _printf function - version 9.6 _


  • Javier Caรฑon - @untaljacko
  • Laura Peralta V - @LauraPeraltaV85


  • All the peers that contributed with their knowledge

A final note:

_ For all the unknown terms, concepts, and that you find in this project, please... Google them.... and RTFM._