Ways to load code.

Ways to load code

load, autoload, require and require_relative.

Load Path

Ruby will look in it's $LOAD_PATH global variable for a list of directories to look for ruby files.

Open pry and look at the $LOAD_PATH

pry(main)> $LOAD_PATH pry(main)> $:


This will reload the ruby file every time it's called. Good for debugging.

pry(main)> load 'calendar.rb'

change the file

pry(main)> load './calendar.rb'

notice the changes

pry(main)> load './calendar'

Must have the .rb on the file name to load.


This will load a ruby file ONCE. All subsequent require statements will not load the file.

*Doesn't need the .rb file extension, but won't hurt if it's there. *Does need the relative path './'.

pry(main)> require './calendar'

change the file

pry(main)> require './calendar'

notice the changes are NOT seen!


Problem with Kernel#relative is that the relative path is relative to where ruby was invoked/executed. Its not relative to where the file resides.

In the show_person.rb file we use this require to try to load the Person class.

require './lib/person' ...

When we run this in the root directory of this project it will work. Because it's looking for the file defining the Person class, person.rb, in the child directory 'lib'.

$ ruby bin/show_person.rb

OK, if we run it in the root directory

$ cd bin

If we cd into the bin directory and try to run this it will fail.

$ ruby show_person.rb

Fails, it's looking for the file in bin/lib/person.rb `require': cannot load such file -- ./lib/person (LoadError)

The fix is to use require_relative. This will try to find the file relative to the file that has that has the require_relative statement.

    In bin/show_person.rb:
  • uncomment require_relative '../lib/person'
  • comment out require './lib/person'
$ ruby bin/show_person.rb

Still OK, if run it in the root directory.

$ cd bin $ ruby show_person.rb

Still OK

$ cd ../tmp $ ruby ../bin/show_person.rb

Still OK.

You may run across an older hack for this problem. It adds the current directory of the file in the Ruby load path. DON'T USE THIS.



Change code and see how load, require and require_relative behave.

  • Create Person class, in the lib dir, that has name and age attributes. It will also have a method to determine if person can vote. Initially a person can vote if the are over 18.
  • Open pry and "load" this person class.
  • Create a person that is age 19.
  • Can they vote?
  • Now change the person class so that the voting age is now 21.
  • load the person class. Was the change seen?
  • Do the above for require and require relative.

Create a make_voters.rb file in the bin directory.

This will create voters of different ages, some to young to vote.

  • In the lib/make_voters.rb file add this to the top of file. require '../lib/person'

  • Run the command from the root directory "ruby bin/make_voters.rb"

  • Run the command from the bin directory "cd bin; ruby make_voters.rb"

  • Run the command from your HOME directory "cd ~; ruby your path here/make_voters.rb"

  • Change the require in this file to require_relative and do the above.