
A tabbed navigation with support for both horizontal and vertical menu positioning.

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A tabbed navigation with support for both horizontal and vertical menu positioning


A plan to ReBuildCalifornia, America's west and the south western states with technology

"Put me in charge!"

My name is Abbey Samuel Laurel-Smith, @The46th_POTUS, and i plan to use data and tehnology to ReBuildUSAtoday. But who am i? Well, I am a Radical Republican, and i believe in the values of reconstruction and the benefit such an act brings to the economy, the middle class and the American family. Or let's just say, I believe and trust in the innovative ways of small businesses, the innovative spirit of the ordinary american and the endurance of the middle class.

Therefore, for the benefit of commerce, agriculture, family budgets, revenue and homeland defense from long endurance weapons of mass destruction and EMP attack, I plan to ReBuildUSAtoday by developing the Pacific (Princess Charllotte's lake) and the Gulf Coast better than we ever did the Atlantic.

To revitalize the economy, I will focus on regional needs, take certain steps and implement community economic rejuvenation policies - that are similar to those implemented for the prosperity of this nation after the civil war.

  • For the West Coast states - California, Washington, Oregon, Utah and Nevada, I will: ...... ......
  • For the Gulf Coast and the five south western states, I will: ....... .......
  • For the coal states, I wll: ....... .......
  • For the East Coast, the North and the North eastern states, I will: ...... ......
  • And generally for the United Srates homeland, I will deploy ambient technology and ambience intelligence. With this type of system alone i will be able to:

  • tackle infrastructure update.
  • improve knowledge and accessibiity to the study of, the reasearch of, and the use of material technology in our schools.
  • build roads, buildings, bridges and light our cities with ecologically certified materials.
  • turn our cities and every single communal settlements all over the United states into digitally driven smart cities.
  • improvesurvival, reach, capability and efficiency of our military and law enforcement officials.
  • So, put me in charge and watch me ReBuildUSatoday!

    Elect me as the 46th President and I will not only act to protect family budgets, I will boost income for the middle class and improve state and city covers as I go.