
A simplified version of a Kerberos Server completed for CS 576 with Dr. Fei at the University of Kentucky

Primary LanguageC


Here is the list of files in this directory:

packet_header.h -- defines the format of the packets. It should not be changed. aes_func.c -- implements encryption and decryption function of AES_CBC. It should not be changed. enc_dec_example.c -- shows how to use the encryption and decryption functions of AES. client.c -- A client program that sends a string and then sends a structure to the server. server.c -- A server program that receives a string and then receives a structure from the client.

To compile:
make Note: If there is any compile-time error, you may need to install openssl first: (on Ubuntu VM) sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

To run:These should all be run in seperate terminals.

./authserver 9500 alice abc bob def ./client 9500 abc 9501 alice bob ./server 9501 def

I collaborated heavi;y with Brian Bruns and Colton Thompson on multiple parts of the project. While some parts may look the same I can confirm that all of the work in this project is my own.