This note taking app uses an Express.js back end and allows the user to enter, save and delete notes. It saves and retrieve note data from user input into a JSON file, utilizing routing api calls for get, post and delete. The app is deployed to Heroku.
🔗 Link to application note-taker
🔧 In order to build or modify this application for yourself, you need to install the following (dependencies): Node.js, express.js, and uniqid.
npm install
To run the application from the command line, run:
node server.js
✍️ Lauren Duker Darrimon is the author of the back end of this application. Find additional work on Lauren Duker Darrimon's Github profile..
Follow these guildines for contributing to this project:
❓💌 Reach out to Lauren Duker Darrimon at if you have any questions.
The license for this project is: MIT