
An application for users to look for cruises by destination, regions or ship

Primary LanguagePython


Timeframe - 8 days, Individual Project

Technologies/ Frameworks used:

  • HTML5
  • SCSS
  • Bulma
  • React.js
  • Webpack
  • Axios
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Insominia
  • React
  • Python
  • PostgreSQL


An application to see cruises by region, destination or ship.

Screenshot 2019-06-17 at 12 21 35

Hosted Site: Click here

Development process

The brief of this project was to build a full stack application. I decided that I wanted to make my server side the main aspect of my application, so I researched and made my own data.

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I started off with wireframing my design and also started my models which I had a lot of many to many relationships between cruise, ships and cities. All my data was then brought into Insominia so I could clearly see it.

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The following model is for the cruises:

class Cruise(db.Entity):
    name = Optional(str)
    region = Optional(str)
    image = Optional(str)
    descriptionshort = Optional(str)
    descriptionlong = Optional(str)
    categories = Set('Category')
    ship = Optional('Ship')
    city = Optional('City')

class CruiseSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int(dump_only=True)
    name = fields.Str(optional=True)
    region = fields.Str(optional=True)
    image = fields.Str(optional=True)
    descriptionshort = fields.Str(optional=True)
    descriptionlong = fields.Str(optional=True)
    categories = fields.Nested('CategorySchema', many=True, exclude=('cruises',), dump_only=True)
    ship = fields.Nested('ShipSchema', exclude=('cruises',), dump_only=True)
    ship_id = fields.Int(load_only=True)
    city = fields.Nested('CitySchema', exclude=('cruise',))

    def load_ship(self, data):
        data['ship'] = Ship.get(id=data['ship_id'])
        del data['ship_id']

        return data


  • I wanted my design to be mostly about the pictures I found so I kept the styling to a minimum.

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One of my main challenges I faced was to get used to the relationships and to be able to use that to my advantage to get data from various different parts of my seeds file, I had a few bits of information that was nested.

categories=[australia], ship=voyager_of_the_seas, city=city9)


I was really proud of how much I achieved on this in 8 days, my seeds file was large so it took me 2 days to get it completed.

Future features

We would really like to get maps as a future feature, this would be good if I could see what route the cruise was going on. The styling did get left to last minute so I would like to go and fix a few things but I think the pictures make it look good.