
An app that generate, save and visualize sensors (IoT)

Primary LanguageShell


An app that generate, save and visualize sensors (IoT)

What does that App ?

  • Generate random sensors and send it to a MQTT broker (random-sensor dependency)
  • Listen the broker and save data to a mongoDb database (sensors-to-db dependency)
  • Create a web service API to retrieve data from database (SensorsWebService dependency)
  • Visualize Sensors in live or using the webservice with a React App (ReactMqtt dependency)


  • MQTT Broker run on port 8080
  • React App run on port 3000
  • Mongodb run on port 27010
  • WebService run on port 8090

How to run it ?

Clone this repository :

git clone https://github.com/LaurentChion/SensorsApp.git

In a terminal go into this folder and run :


How to close it ?

In a terminal go into this folder and run :

docker-compose down


Sometime it happens that webservice or sensors-to-db can't connect to database. Stop docker and relaunch it :

docker-compose down
docker-compose up