
Simple to use Docker image for https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Microbadger galexrt/healthchecks

Docker Repository on Quay.io

Image available from:

Simple to use Docker image for github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks.

Healthchecks Version

Currently Healthchecks v1.21.0 version is installed in the image.

Running the image

NOTE By default Healthchecks uses a SQLite database, located at /data/hc.sqlite.

To configure healthchecks server, you just add the environment variables as shown in the settings.py file of the healthchecks Project.

docker run \
    -d \
    --name=healthchecks \
    -p 80:8000 \
    -e 'DB_NAME=/data/hc.sqlite' \
    -e 'PING_EMAIL_DOMAIN=example.com' \
    -e 'SITE_ROOT=http://example.com' \
    -e 'EMAIL_HOST=smtp.example.com' \
    -e 'EMAIL_PORT=25' \
    -e 'EMAIL_USE_TLS=True' \
    -e 'EMAIL_HOST_USER=user@example.com' \
    -e 'ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost,*' \
    -v /opt/docker/healthchecks/data:/data \

WARNING The default uses a SQLite database, check Database configuration section for more information. If you are not using SQLite, you can remove the -v ...:... flag, unless needed otherwise.

NOTE If you want to use the Healthchecks SMTP listener service, add -p 2525:2525 flag (the port inside the container 2525/tcp cannot be changed).

The port of Healthchecks in the container is 8000/tcp it will be exposed to 80/tcp in the example command.

A HTTPS Proxy is required for healthchecks to be reachable. This is caused by the CSRF verification failing if HTTPS is not used. The HTTPS Proxy must pass through/create X-FORWARDED-* headers. An example for a simple HTTPS proxy for Docker can be found here: GitHub - jwilder/nginx-proxy.

Running in Production

Please checkout the official healthchecks/healthchecks Project Running in Production guide for information on a secure configuration.

Database configuration

Default is to use SQLite unless configured otherwise.

WARNING For SQLite the DB_NAME must be set to this /data/hc.sqlite. A volume should be mounted to /data (docker run [...] -v /opt/docker/healthchecks/data:/data [...] galexrt/healthchecks:latest) inside the container as otherwise the SQLite database is lost on container deletion.

When you don't want to use SQLite. The following environment variables can be used to configure the database connection:

Variable Description
DB Can be postgres, mysql, sqlite3 (defaults to sqlite3)
DB_HOST Database host address
DB_PORT Database host port
DB_NAME Database name
DB_USER Database user
DB_PASSWORD Database user password

(See https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks/blob/master/hc/settings.py#L100-L142)

Email configuration

The following environment variables can be used to configure the email notifications (uses SMTP):

Variable Description
EMAIL_HOST SMTP host address
EMAIL_USE_TLS If tls should be used for SMTP
EMAIL_USE_SSL If ssl should be used for SMTP

(See https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks/blob/master/hc/settings.py#L173-L179)

Special configuration variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure some "special" values for Healthchecks:

Variable Description
ALLOWED_HOSTS Comma separated list of the allowed hosts, should be the hostnames the healthchecks container is reachable as for the Docker healthcheck to work, must include localhost
SECRET_KEY Set to a random secret value (if unset or changed sessions are invalidated)
CONTAINER_PRUNE_INTERVAL Time in seconds between executions of prunepings, prunenotifications, pruneflips and prunetokenbucket (default: 600 seconds)

Other configuration variables

Checkout the healthchecks/healthchecks settings.py, if you want to set one of these variable as a setting you simply set it as an environment variable on the container.

Example for variable SLACK_CLIENT_ID, you would add environment variable SLACK_CLIENT_ID for the container.

Run manage.py inside the container

You need the container name or id of the healthchecks instance. You can get it by running docker ps and searching for the container running healthchecks.

docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME /entrypoint.sh app:managepy YOUR_MANAGE_PY_FLAGS_COMMAND

Activating Telegram Bot and other Bots

Use the command from the last section and for YOUR_MANAGE_PY_FLAGS_COMMAND use this:


For this to work, you need to have set the following variables:


Other Bots

Unless not specified otherwise in documentation of the healthchecks/healthchecks GitHub project, you just need to set the environment variables on the Docker container and you are done (after a restart).

Turn off Debug mode / Run in Production mode

Add the env var DEBUG: "false" to your Docker container.

docker run \
    -e 'DEBUG=false' \

Create Healthchecks superuser

You need the container name or id of the healthchecks container instance. You can get it by running docker ps and searching for the container running healthchecks.

docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME python3 /healthchecks/manage.py createsuperuser

Follow the assistant that will show up to create a healthchecks superuser.


Example docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'
    image: galexrt/healthchecks:latest
    restart: always
      - "8000:8000"
      - SQLite:/data
      # DB_NAME must be set like this for the /data volume to be used
      # otherwise the SQLite db is lost on container deletion.
      DB_NAME: "/data/hc.sqlite"
      SECRET_KEY: "blablabla123"
      ALLOWED_HOSTS: 'localhost,healthchecks.example.com,myhealthchecks.example.com'
      DEBUG: "False"
      DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL: "noreply@hc.example.com"
      USE_PAYMENTS: "False"
      EMAIL_HOST: ""
      EMAIL_PORT: "587"
      EMAIL_USE_TLS: "True"
      SITE_ROOT: "https://hc.example.com"
      SITE_NAME: "Mychecks"
      MASTER_BADGE_LABEL: "Mychecks"
      PING_ENDPOINT: "https://hc.example.com/ping/"
      PING_EMAIL_DOMAIN: "hc.example.com"
      TWILIO_ACCOUNT: "None"
      TWILIO_AUTH: "None"
      TWILIO_FROM: "None"
      PD_VENDOR_KEY: "None"
      TRELLO_APP_KEY: "None"