Firetunnel is a free and open-source program for connecting multiple Firejail sandboxes on a virtualized Ethernet network. Applications include virtual private networks (VPN), overlay networks, peer-to-peer applications.
The tunnel encapsulates Ethernet frames in UDP packets. Each packet is authenticated independently with BLAKE2 cryptographic hash function ( The keys are derived from a common secret file installed on both client and server.
The traffic is not encrypted. On Linux, several excellent programs are already providing military-grade encryption. Among them OpenVPN, stunnel, Wireguard. If this is what you are looking for, Firetunnel should not be your choice. However, we do some light-weight bit scrambling. Our goal is to avoid the data collection and the blacklist-based traffic shaping going on some ISP networks.
Setup and configuration are extremely easy.
For every single aspect of the tunnel we provide sensible defaults.
Everything is integrated seamlessly with Firejail.
Fast and easy to use.
Runs on any Linux system with a kernel 3.5 or newer.
Minimal attack surface, seccomp support.
Ethernet transport over UDP.
Strong built-in authentication system based on Blake2 hash function.
Traffic scrambling, plugin support (C programable).
Layer 2/3/4 header compression based on RFC 2507.
In-tunnel DNS support and speed test.
Firewall friendly.
Network address translation in the firewall on the server side.
Automatic network configuration for client and sandboxes based on RFC 5227 and our tunnel configuration protocol.
License: GPLv2
Software install
Compile-time dependencies: libseccomp (
On Debian/Ubuntu run "sudo apt-get install build-essential git libseccomp-dev"
Compile and install:
$ git clone
$ cd firetunnel
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install-strip
The server and the client must have the time synchronized within 10 seconds. This shouldn't be a problem, by default most Linux distributions are running the NTP daemon. Start by setting a common secret file in /etc/firetunnel/firetunnel.secret:
# cp summer.jpg /etc/firetunnel/firetunnel.secret
Any file will do as long as the same file is installed on both computers. \We recommend you configure the access permissions as follows:
# chmod 600 /etc/firetunnel/firetunnel.secret
SSH into your remote computer and start the server:
# firetunnel --server
In a different terminal on your home computer start the client:
# firetunnel is in this example the remote server IP address. By default we are using UDP port 1119. In a few seconds you will see the client connecting and receiving the tunnel configuration:
2018-08-01 21:09:01 connected
2018-08-01 21:09:01 Tunnel:, default gw, mtu 1434
2018-08-01 21:09:01 Tunnel: DNS,,
All the commands above are entered as root. Time to switch back to your regular user and start a few sandboxes:
$ firejail --tunnel firefox &
$ firejail --tunnel transmission-qt &
Multiple clients can connect to the same server machine. For each client we start an independent server. All the servers
are using the same bridge device, basically joining the client networks. Example: